Domů Filmy, knihy, hry E-book elektronické knihy Crucial Instances - Edith Whartonová - e-kniha

Crucial Instances - Edith Whartonová - e-kniha

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Výrobce Saga Egmont
138 Kč
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eBook: \'Crucial Instances\' was the second collection of Wharton\'s short stories to be published. Of the seven, \' A Dialogue\' is presented as a short play. This collection shows the breadth of Wharton\'s abilities, with stories ranging from the \'feelgood\' to a Gothic, supernatural outing. Shorter stories seemed to serve as a focus for Wharton and her writing is exceptionally precise and memorable when faced with these parameters. A great read for Wharton fans and those new to her work.