Domů Filmy, knihy, hry Knihy Vybíjená Michal Viewegh

Vybíjená Michal Viewegh

Výrobce Pálava Publishing
EAN 9788090642898
ISBN 9788090642898
od 225 Kč

1 varianta
Dodgeball (Vybíjená - anglicky) - Michal Viewegh
do týdne
225 Kč
3 varianty
Dodgeball / Vybíjená - Michal Viewegh
261 Kč
Vybíjená - Michal Viewegh
314 Kč
Vybíjená - Michal Viewegh e-kniha
239 Kč
1 varianta
Dodgeball (Vybíjená - anglicky) - Michal Viewegh
info v obchodu
260 Kč

Popis produktu

<p>Over a generous time span, this book follows the varied lives of several high-school classmates, from their teenage growing pains to their early forties. Connoisseurs of the work of the current most popular Czech author will find intact his familiar style (the slightly melancholic grotesque), in a tale which describes, with irony and delicate nostalgia, friendship, teenage confusion, love and destiny, including dreams and hopes, first loves and marriage, disappointment and disillusion, failure and personal tragedy, not to mention the impact on life of alcohol, beauty and ugliness, and above all the sadness that slowly penetrates the lives of the characters as they age.</p>


Autor Michal Viewegh
Překlad David Short